Like it or not there is so much about US that IS & HAS been DIRECTLY contributing to the downfall & perpetual decay of the black community & it HAS to come to an end NOW! The ONLY way that this will happen is that we follow the highly disciplined, courageous, determined & TRIUMPHANT example of our egyptian brethren. But we MUST do something NOW and I have created a list of propositions that must take place as the PLATFORM from which to Launch this new renaissance in the black community.
Please read & retain a copy:
10 Major cultural shifts must take place in order to get a grasp on our children's education, our marriages, black relationships, aids, abortions & incarceration under control. We are NOT going to want to do this & MANY will fight to keep from doing it but these things MUST TRANSPIRE or we are NOT going to be the beneficiaries of ANY CHANGE:
1. SINGLE MOTHERING: Black feminine independence, opinion & right to do as she pleases in stark contravention to authority & repercussions that work in DIRECT "opposition" to society, traditional marriage, conformity & structure, & unity in our community to instead cater to SELF.
2. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: We DON'T take responsibility for our own actions & fight those of us who try to get US to collectively do so. We are hell bent on blaming someone else & typically that someone else is the white man or the system whom we've become accustomed to relying on as the great black diversionary tactic in wiping our asses of our messes onto someone else or something else.
3. SEXUAL PROMISCUITY: Our sexual looseness is APPALLING. Both black men & women have reduced each other to an easy lay, booty calls, & one night stands scouring the bars & night clubs prowling for instant gratification. We cal each other bitches & whores & we've gotten just as bad as caucasian america in the deviant methods of sexual gratification. It's sickening & it MUST stop!
4.MANDATORY MARRIAGE: We MUST start endorsing MARRIAGE as the ONLY sanctuary for the upbringing of our precious children. Marriages are NOT FOR US to make US happy. They are designed for the best interest of our CHILDREN. NOT YOU! Marriages are imperative both economically physically & for the mental health of our children as they grow up. Currently our marriages are failing so our children are failing because we shun marriage in exchange or "baby daddies" & "baby mommas" & this is DEPLORABLE & MUST cease.
5.EMOTIONAL MATURITY: without this very crucial component in our mental development all of the above is futile. We must mature first before we undertake the major burden of having & raising children. You only get one chance to raise that child right so we must get ourselves right prior to raising children.
6. NEIGHBORHOOD BLIGHT REMOVAL: We need to clean up our neighborhoods of blight & crime & keep them clean so our property will go up & businesses will return to our neighborhoods & fuel them with the desperately needed tax revenue that the schools in those black neighborhoods NEED & are currently STARVED of.
7. BLACK FATHERS: MUST return to our homes NOW despite your differences with the mother of that child & raise those children you sired. You DON'T have a choice MEN & the women who prohibit them access. You didn't complain when the sex was good, but now that you have a black LIFE to deal with you want to BAIL or you can't get along. It's time to grow up folks & FAST!
8. COOPERATION WITH SCHOOL OFFICIALS: work WITH the schools when they have a problem or a concern with your child & do NOT countermand these teachers. It's their job to TEACH your child and many others NOT to raise & discipline your child for YOU. When these teachers have to DEAL with YOUR out of control child, this prevents them from teaching your child & the other 30 or 40 in that class.
9. DISCIPLINE & STRUCTURE: Get your child off the streets especially your daughters NOW & put their heads in those books & yours too. You are their GUARDIAN & THEIR TEACHER. Teach them by raising them to be a good example but YOU must first be that good example. No child should be ripping & running the streets for ANY reason. NO EXCUSES FOLKS! EXCUSES are simply a PLEA to maintain the status quo & the black community isn't tolerating it any more.
10. CIVIC DUTY: REGISTER TO vote & VOTE all the time in every possible election you can find because when you DON'T & legislation is passed & governors, mayors, superintendents, councilmen, congress-persons, senators, & presidents are elected & you didn't vote...IT'S YOUR FAULT!
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