I say "Men be warned" why not? There are other labels out there that are applied to dangerous situations. Had a physical examination been a product it would read "Buyer Beware" or the doctor a house pet "Beware of the dog" would be a fence or gate posting. Warning signs have and will serve a purpose, mainly to give people the heads-up to impending danger.
Funny yes but think about what I'm saying for a few, yes ponder with me if you will (if you haven't already) the thought of a young man....No better yet, a man going with all good intentions to his doctor for a physical. To the young men out there take note.
Women out there may be saying that I'm about to cry foul because They have go to doctors all the time, so it can't be all that bad. All well and good as they, (ahum), you women are entitled to your own opinion. But there is a major difference here, and hopefully you'll see the humor and horror of it before article's end.
You see for women it easy to say that you're off to the Gynecologist and you leave home with the knowledge that hey, "today my doctor is going to be down there today", and with that in mind, adjust to suit. A urologist I'm thinking deals with urinary and genitalia issues of the male and female correct? What branch of medicine deals with Ass probing? Same specialist? No a proctologist !
I'm talking about a regular doctor, a regular man, on a regular day, whistling on his way to the doctor's office because he is telling himself " gee I love my life and my family so much, I think I'll go get me some insurance, together with a physical, lunch, a few drinks later and then a party perhaps?" Just a thought...in reality this is what happened (happens oops!).
This could happen to you :
This fella went for said physical by a recommended physician, a regular Doc.... Sat down filled out the required information and waited to be called.
Upon reaching and subsequently sitting on that cold examination table the eloquent sound of waves crashing from the 'Bose Wave Sound' radio permeated the room with its enchanting and oh so relaxing rhythms. "Ahh" the thought that this is such a nice office could not be ignored. After a brief discussion the doctor begins his examination.
You know, its normal to strip and when asked to do that I ( ahem), I mean this fella obliged and put on the gown. Moving on to the actual examination, one is asked to urinate in a kidney shaped bowl, however, let it be known that the idea of the sample is just that, a sample! Don't fill up the whole kidney with piss, just enough to dip those strips in to check your sugar. One's blood pressure is taken and if necessary a blood sample is taken (none was on that day).
A test of one's reflexes is next where one might be tempted to exaggerate movements and kick the doctor. From there the physician may check your muscles, joints and your lungs...you know, breathe in and breathe out ....Then comes the kicker!
This is where they get personal, "Buyer Beware"!!!
Be prepared to be up close and personal and pray to God for fresh breath! Your eyes and ears are next and I'm thinking this is as close as I get to any one before there is an exchange of bodily fluids.
And then wham! There it is you've got a stranger holding your scrotum aka BALLS in his hand without so much as a soft spoken word or a kiss, telling you to cough!!!
Invariably the physical was in motion and having someone cup your balls like a thief in the night and without so much as a warning was as a thought the end of a disturbing day. But needless to say it had just begun...
"Turn around and bend over". Words commonly associated with being incarcerated, would reverberate and send unmanly chills over, around and through any strait man's
body. What goes on in a persons mind is left to the individual. However for me, I'd be thinking that this is not how I figured my day will turn out.
In fact for the individual at hand it got worst when without warning a violation did occur! At this point the man in you tells you to turn around and confront the penetrator / perpetrator, but then one is asked to relax, huh? Relax and what, "take it like a man", take what? You are, as you may know are entitled to know "what" is going up your ass, don't you think so ?
Women, the shame of being violated borders on rape and one could only empathize with you as this ordeal compares not to your gynecological or mammography experiences.
But in so far as this goes, we men have had to hold pride in hand and address the issues of Prostrate Cancer and the prerequisite/ preventative annual more intense checkups associated with early detention and care of same...
No one died and life goes on.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
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