Friday, October 22, 2010

Trini hearsay or Trini life


Ignition switches on the dashboard, Air Horn button, Pioneer 'Clock Face' Cassette Deck and gold music horns on door posts of taxis.

Dish rims and spacers on cars so the tyres stick out

The punk belt, coral chain or black coral pendants, multi-coloured laces, Jerri Curl, Punk(mullet), Gumby or muff hair styles.

Pants leg clips for bicycles without chain guards so that the black oil don't rub on your pants or your foot..Clothes pin and card on bicycle spoke to click when rotating. Straighting of bicycle fork and extending it ..Replacing the standard bicycle handle with a strait bar.

 Soldering COAL POT irons heated on a coal pot or pitch-oil stove

Using hand signals for cars without  indicators or the little yellow hand would pop out of the side of the car door. 

Older Than Dirt Quiz

Count all that you remember, not the ones you were told about. Ratings at the bottom

1) Candy cigarettes, Kaiser ball, Chili Bibbi and mango chow, Tippi Tambo, Snatty nose Dongs, Goo-Goo-beff, Padu,

2) The parlor at the corner and the shop on. the main road

3) Storming fete.

4) Only 1 telephone on the whole street.

5)  Newsreels before the movie, and the boys lime was in PIT (25 cents) and they would exit the side door and the cute girls would lime in HOUSE (50cents), and there was always a lady selling nuts and dinner mints on the steps outside. Checking out a Silver Fox double @ Globe....The Chinese shoe

6) TV - Ricky-Ticky- was the hardest children show with Jermaine Mitchell. The lime was at somebody's house and all the children in the area would be sitting on the floor enjoying the show - Only 1 TV Channel  -TTT... , And only one or two TVs in the whole neighborhood. The Electric Company, Muppet Show and d original Sesame Street.

7) Sling shot, and the big game for the boys was 'police and tief' and gun and caps was the GUN of the times but "yuh muss only fall down and play dead"

8)  Latrine, WC, Outhouse.  Those who had toilet had a water tank high above your head with a long chain to pull to flush. 

9)  78, 33 and 45 RPM was the records and a Gramophone or Turntable to play your records.

10) Hops bread, butter bread, rock cake, pallet, hail and a big snow cone without a cup.

11) Metal ice trays with a lever . Everybody had koolaid ice blocks.

12)  Pitch Oil Flambeau and torch light with a Blue flashbulb - 2 cell using 2 batteries and a Green flashbulb - 3 cell using 3 batteries.

13)  Playing marbles.. You had to have a snake eye and hop scotch in the yard.  A big rope hanging from the tree with a piece of wood or tire for the seat to swing with.

14)  The fish man would ride by every day on his bike with a horn on the bike handle squeezing and BAWLING  - 'Carite, Moonshine and Cavali.  A box full of fish on ice at the back.  He had a scale, Guardian newspaper to wrap up the fish and a chopper to chop it up...The man knew everybody in the area by name and their choice of fish.

15)   Scrubbing Board or Jooking Board, blue soap  and Breeze, and mummy must bleach the clothes on some special stones at the back of the yard (Don't run on those stones - mummy would act like they are sacred) or, she had daddy build a bleach with wood and wire to lay out all the whites already washed in blue.  Water at the stand pipe.

16) Boys raiding people's mango tree, plum tree, guava tree and any fruit tree at night and scaling fence. Next morning the poor tree is bare.

17)  Every body had to be Uncle or Auntie and yuh better say Good Morning to everybody before they tell on you, or is LICKS.  "Yuh Rude"

18)  Getting a 'CUFF IN YUH MOUTH  or a CLOUT IN YUH HEAD' for answering back, watching CUT EYE or WALKING OFF when Mummy speak to you.

19)  POSEY or TENSIL to pee in at night and no body want to empty it or wash it.  Don't let mummy smell it because is LICKS IN YUH TAIL

20)  And you had to drink your BUSH TEA, and take Senna Pod tea, your SALTS, CASTOR OIL, worm out or else... 

 If you remembered 0 to 3:    You're still young

If you remembered 3 to 6:  You are getting older 

If you remembered 7 to 15: Don't tell your age

If you remembered ALL =  You might be older than 'rock of ages' 

But those memories should be some of the best days of your life. Don't you agree?
Share with your LONG TIME friends....           Trini forever!!!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

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